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Thoughts & Inspiration


This past weekend Heather and I helped with AIM's very first BreakThru conference. The idea behind the conference was to help believers break free of past hurts, current hang ups, and the lies that … Read more about BreakThru

Meet Maeby

  Well, today for Heather's 25th birthday we purchased a little Boston terrier puppy we've named Maeby. Since returning from South Africa Heather has been researching and waiting for the … Read more about Meet Maeby

Video Stories

Hello All-   I'm sorry it's been almost 2 weeks since we have updated our blog. Life just has a way of getting away from you at times. As we have mentioned before, Adventures in Missions has … Read more about Video Stories


One of my favorite aspects of our job with AIM is hearing all of the neat stories of what God is doing all over the world. I just wanted to pass along some stories and photos of the way God is moving … Read more about Stories