
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Whew!! We have been busy these past two weeks. Heather and I hit the ground running when we returned home from England jumping right back into work with AIM, our work with the student ministry at Lanier Hills, and our small group. It seems like we’ve hardly had a moment to pause and reflect.
On Friday April 18th I was offered and accepted a position as one of Baylor’s resident chaplains for the upcoming 2009-2010 school year. Heather and I believe fully that this is yet another sign of God’s provision and that attending Baylor/Truett Seminary is clearly what he has next for us. As a resident chaplain Heather and I will be living in a small apartment in one of the freshman dorm halls at Baylor. In short, I am a pastoral figure to the 500+ students who will be living in the dorm as they go about their freshman year of college. In addition to a small salary, Heather and I will live for free and both receive partial meal plans. While it will be an adjustment living in a small apartment surrounded by freshman guys, we do view this as a blessing and a continued sign of God’s faithfulness in our lives. Heather and I feel so fortunate to both have jobs (Heather has a job as a missions assistant in the office of spirtual life) upon our arrival to Waco, TX in early August and a free living situation.
Last Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I co-lead a team debrief and celebration time for our 3 month Real Life teams that were in Kenya and Swaziland. It was a jam packed 3 days with lots of emotion, processing, and celebration of all that had occured in these students lives over the past three months. It was a very challenging yet rewarding thing to be part of.
We are just under a month out from when our leaders arrive for our 1 and 2 month trips to Nicaragua, Guatemala, Kenya, India, Peru, the Philippines, and Swaziland this summer. The students arrive for those trips on May 29th. We welcome your prayers for both our students, leaders, and training camp as we prepare for their life changing experiences that await them.
Heather and I are also preparing for a busy summer with our students at Lanier Hills. We had a mission trip meeting yesterday for the trip we will be taking them on July 4-10 to New Orleans. Our theme for the summer is “I am third” and we are really trying to encourage the students choose into making their summer about God, others, and then self. I am beginning a teaching series this Wednesday that will be based on Romans 12. We are really hoping that this series will help prepare their hearts for selfless living and a desire to fully give of themselves this summer.
Well, I think that’s about all at the moment. We remain so grateful for your continued love, prayers, and financial support as we continue to give our all and finish strong here in Gainesville.
Chad, Heather, and Maeby

4 responses to “A Moment to Pause”

  1. Wow, you are busy. Transitions can be tough. Stay close to The ONE as you go through it all. But the Bohanan fam is glad to know you will be closer soon!!

  2. Great news Chad and Heather! I hope the smallness of the accommodations will seem inconsequential compared to the greatness of the opportunities God gives both of you to build in the lives of the freshman students as well as personally grow in your studies and lives together. What an exciting time for you two!

  3. Wow – is God good or what??

    Wonderful news and we are so glad all these things have fallen into place for you 🙂

    Prayers for all the energy and good health you need in the coming weeks.

    Be blessed

    Robin & Karen