
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Well, later today I will be headed to the airport to pick up our leaders and the madness of training season official begins for Heather and me. Please keep us in prayer as we help train and prepare our leaders for the incredible joy but also the difficulties they will experience leading teams this summer. The 120 or so participants arrive on Friday and that is when it will get truly crazy. In everything that is going on, it is our desire and prayer that we will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading and that God will accomplish what he needs to accomplish in our leaders and students lives to prepare them for the amazing experience they are about to embark on.
May God do whatever he needs to do in us so that he can do whatever he desires to do through us,
Chad and Heather

9 responses to “And So It Begins . . . .”

  1. You guys have a great week. I’ll be praying for for you each step of the way. Love and miss you.

  2. You got the prayers!! We missed you this past weekend. Enjoyed some B-Ball with the fam. Wishing you and Heather well this upcoming season.

  3. How exciting to be a part of so much enthusiasm. We will pray for you for sure.

  4. love the photo. what would be really wonderful would be if heather could get a fake goatee as well. go on, do it for me!

  5. not that i think chad’s goatee is false… sorry, the syntax of that last comment rather ran away from me…

  6. Chad and Heather to let you know I have been on this jurney with you.
    God bless and good luck to you all, love you both

  7. Loving and praying for you from here.

    I see prayers like little smoke signals raising up all around the globe. May they be a great covering as you make “the way” your way this week!

    Peace be with you, dear ones!