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I just read this morning another update on Angel and thought I would pass it along.  I love hearing the story of her growth and how redemptive our God is.  How He can take such brokeness and turn it into something beautiful.  This blog comes from Aaryn Phillips who is serving in Jeffrey’s Bay. 
As most of you who follow my blog know,
I have fallen in love with a little baby girl named Angel. You can go
back and read previous blogs about her and where she comes from. 
Anyways, I just wanted to give a short update on how she is doing at
Nelly’s house.  First I have to say that Nelly has done an AMAZING
job.  We would be so lost without her and she just is incredible. 
Every time I turn around she is opening her house to more at risk
children.  She accepts them with an open heart and open arms. She loves
them. She gives the hope because of the Awesome God she serves.  She is
an inspiration. A few of our students have been doing their ministry
internship with her and they have been doing a great job as well.  I
love that they are there. Plus, it gives me another excuse to go and
visit to see all the wonderful children, especially Angel.
    On Tuesday, Nelly wanted to throw a baby shower/ Christmas for
all the children.  Some of us AIM people were there, but we also joined
together with some YWAM people and local people from the community that
love Nelly. It was actually great to see some many friends there from
all over Jeffreys Bay.  Everyone did a great job of providing things
for the children and also for Nelly.  I think everyone had such a great
time, and it was priceless to see the smiles on the children’s faces. 
     With that said, I got to spend some extra time with Angel.  
She is just about 9 months now and she is just progressing so well. 
She just keeps on packing on the pounds. I love it.  She still can
really sit up by herself or crawl, but I think its coming soon!  She
attempted a few times by kicking up her baby bottom, but just isn’t
there yet.  She is just doing so well and I’m so encouraged by God just
continuing to provide for her.
      Last week I brought Angel’s mother and grandmother (Gloria
and Esther) for a visit and they were overwhelmed at how beautiful
their little girl looks!  It was good for them to be able to see her
and know that she is being cared for.  I think it was difficult for
them to leave, but Gloria still trusts in the decision she has made for
now…and so do I.  God is working.  God is doing something and I can’t
wait to see what it is.  He has saved this precious little girl for
Himself.  Oh, and a few weeks ago Gloria showed up at church! Awesome!
God is good.