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Some of you may remember this post
of mine from last year…

“From there we receive a call from
some of our students who do ministry at the health clinic in one of the
townships, Pellsrus. They ran into a woman and her two month old baby on the
street. The woman is drunk and holding her child like a sack of potatoes. Our
students pray with her, take the child and walk her home. Upon arriving at the
woman’s house, they see a man rolling joints and at least 6 cats roaming the
home. The house is an absolute disaster, and talking to the neighbors we find
out they are all alcoholics and the neighbor tells us, “They need a lot of
help.” Our minds and hearts go back to that child finding out it has not
eaten more than flour and water for the last four days. It weighs only 2.5
Kilos, making it about 6 pounds. It has a rash over its entire body. The mother
is too drunk to have patience to feed and hold it properly. We sat there
wondering what is going to happen to this child. We buy some formula for the
baby and try to teach the mother how to do simple things like feed it, burp it
and hold it. And then we leave, praying and hoping that God brings restoration
and life to that family.”

Well it seems as if God has done
just that. This year another team has
been sent to Jeffrey’s Bay. My
co-leaders and five of our students have returned for a second year and keep me
up to date on ministry and life there.  

This year in Jeffrey’s we started
partnering with a woman named Nelly who runs an abandoned, vulnerable
children’s home. Nelly is a very godly
woman who gives her heart and life to bring children hope and restoration. 

About three weeks ago, one of the
ministry teams that does house visitation ran into Gloria and Angel again only
to find Baby Angel in bad shape at seven months old.   Of
course the news hit hard to past students and staff members so they visited
Gloria the next day to see for themselves the conditions. By the end of their visit they were able to
talk Gloria into letting them take her and her older sister, Blessing back to
their house for a bath. During that
time, they took her to Nelly’s where at first sight of Angel Nelly knew she
needed help. Nelly agreed to take her in
and so they began the process. Later
that day, Gloria agreed to talk with Nelly about the possibility of letting her
take care of Angel indefinitely. 
was thankful for that option, but wasn’t sure what her family (her mother,
etc.) would think. The entire family met
with Nelly the next day and agreed that this would be best for the family. So now Angel is under the care of Nelly at
the Seventh Heaven Children’s Home in Jeffrey’s Bay. Our prayers when we left JBay in May were
that God would bring restoration to that family. And six months later we are starting to see
the answer to that prayer. 

We are thankful that Angel is getting the care and love that
she needs, but our concerns are still with the mother Gloria. Students continue to visit with her, but
please pray that God would touch this lady. That He would touch her with the love of the Father and show her her
value on this earth, so that Gloria would be able to radically love her Angel.
This is AIM’s staff member Aaryn holding and feeding Angel for the first time in days.
Thank you for your prayers.
Heather and Chad

5 responses to “Baby Angel”

  1. Thank you for sharing!
    The Holy Spirit provided such an inroad with this family. This is a true praise report. Let’s see what the Lord does in this family’s life.

  2. It is so encouraging to hear these kinds of stories, yet in the same breathe you know there are so many more children and parents that need help. I will be praying.

  3. Love the follow up…how great that the Lord has saved this child…may he do the same for her mother.

  4. God is good and He loves the little children. Thank you for sharing the prayers that God so graciously answers.

  5. That precious baby….you are the angels that have stepped into her life to provide love and care and basic needs to this precious child of God. It is the work of God that each person that has a hand in helping this child moves as the hand of God. How inspiring to know God it caring for this little baby across the world from us. May God continue to richly bless you all as you do His work.