
Explore My News,
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Well, Heather and I arrived back in the States today after a great week in Mexico. We had wonderful weather and were on the beach about 9-5 most days. While the time away was wonderful and much needed, we are anxious to begin our new life and establish our home together in Georgia.
 In my favorite jersey (Charles Barkley) before heading to the beach.
 A typical day at the beach.
Before our last dinner of the honeymoon.
Over the next 10 days we’ll be in the Denver area preparing for our cross-country move to Gainesville, GA on August 23rd. We continue to be grateful as God provides for us as some of Heather’s good friends and supporters are allowing us to use their town home while they are in Australia visiting family.
Please be in prayer for us as we close up shop here in Colorado, continue to merge our lives (names, bank accounts etc.) together, pack, spend time with family and friends, and try to raise the remaining amount of support we need for this next year.
God has truly been good to us this summer and we have so many of you to thank for that. Thank you for the vital part you have played from both near and far in helping us establish our life and home together.
Thank You!!
Chad and Heather

4 responses to “Back in the States”

  1. You forgot to mention it was your favorite hat too!!! You guys look great. Glad you had such a good time and will be praying for your smoothe move and transition to GA!

  2. love love the pictures…so looking forward to hearing about it! hope to see you guys before you leave…