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Thoughts & Inspiration

This past weekend Heather and I helped with AIM’s very first BreakThru conference. The idea behind the conference was to help believers break free of past hurts, current hang ups, and the lies that Satan so often gets followers of Christ to believe. We had 43 teens and adults attending this conference in addition to the 50+ World Race participants and staff that are here for training. Heather and I served in a variety of capacities from making dinner, to leading worship, to helping facilitate freeing experiential activities, and serving as prayer partners. As sort of a pilot run for AIM, the BreakThru conference was a huge success.
On Monday I spent most of the day in Suwanee, GA getting some repairs done to our car. I decided to re-read Rob Bell’s book “Jesus Wants to Save Christians” as I had about 6 hours of hanging out, waiting, and reflection on my hands. Towards the end of the book he talks about some of the tension that the early New Testament church lived in and sort of tied that into the tension that the American church lives in today. Rob writes:
“What do you do when your religion isn’t big enough for God . . . . What do you do when your system falls apart because the new thing that God is doing is better, beyond, superior, more compelling?” (p.101)
He goes on to write that:
“This is the story of Acts, the story of the early church, the story of the Jesus way as it left Jerusalem and headed to the ends of the earth. It’s the story of a thousand little everyday decisions these first Christians made to free the message from its cultural and religious trappings so that it would truly be good news for all who encountered it.” (p. 106-107)
This past weekend we saw many of the BreakThru conference attendees and World Race participants discover the new things that God is doing in them and in our world as they experienced break through and freedom. May we be about helping others find freedom and discovering the Good News of Christ.
Be Blessed,
Chad and Heather

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