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Hey there, I just wanted to give a quick England update and share with you a few photos. Heather and I arrived with no problems and right on time Wednesday morning. It has been a whirl wind catching up with friends, taking in a few sights around Manchester, and participating in the beautiful Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services. I absolutely love the way the Church of England helps us remember the importance, beauty, sacrifice, and hope that Holy Week brings.
Here are just a few photos of our time thus far:
Here we are with our good friend Alan after eating delicious home-made meat pies. Alan has a servants heart and the gift of hospitality. He’s even taking us to the bus station at 4:30 in the morning so we can go to London for the day Saturday!
Here we are in Manchester in a Cafe’ Nero (great coffee!) with the Manchester Wheel in the background.
And here we are with the lovely Fraser family. Stu, Amy, Jenny, and Dave.
Today Heather and I attended two very different but equally moving Good Friday services. At the Good Friday service this evening they showed the video of still photos where I portrayed Jesus. It was neat to see a project I was a part of with our FYM team two years ago is still being used and impacting lives.
At a service of reflection this afternoon, we prayed this wonderful prayer together and I wanted to share it with you all as I close. The bold words are the ones the congregation prays together:
I believe that Christ died on the cross
I believe he can forgive my sins.
Because he was stripped of all his clothing but none of his compassion
I believe he can forgive my sins.
Because he gave up his hands and feet to the nails
I believe he can forgive my sins.
Because he placed his perfect reputation, his spotless name before a senseless mocking crowd
I believe he can forgive my sins.
Because he prayed for his Father to forgive them even as they were crucifying him
I believe he can forgive my sins.
Because even in his own agony and pain, he heard a thief asking to be remember and promised him paradise
I believe he can forgive my sins.
Because Christ died on the cross
I believe he can forgive my sins.
Because Christ died on the cross
I believe he can forgive the sins of those who hurt me.
Because Christ died that I might be forgiven
I believe he can help me forgive the sins of others.
Chad and Heather

One response to “England Update”

  1. Hi Chad & Heather,

    Glad you’re having a great and meaningful time! God is not through working in the UK!
