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Well, our trip to England is nearly over. Heather and I had a wonderful trip down to London on Saturday. The rain held off for the most part and we had a great time together taking in the sights and sounds of London. Here are a few pictures from our day in London:
Heather and I in front of Big Ben.
Here we are in front of Buckingham Palace.
The Easter Sunday service today at St. James was so beautiful. It was so neat to see Dean help lead in worship.
Dean helping lead worship.
And here we are after the service with Dean.
Henry is still leading St. James Church as their vicar. Simon is also serving at St. James to complete his training to become a fully licensed vicar. Here we are with them:
After dinner with Dean and his family for Dean’s birthday this evening we went to the evening service St. Andrew’s Church where Ian is the vicar. Here we are with my good friend Madeline who went with us in Ian’s home after the service having a cup of tea.
We wrap up our time in England tomorrow with a day trip to York with Alan and then just having a nice night in with Henry. While our visit has been jam packed, it’s been so much fun and such a blessing to catch up with good friends and see how God is continuing to move here in England. 
We’ll be back in the States around 3pm eastern time on Tuesday.
He is risen indeed!!
Chad and Heather

5 responses to “England Update Two”

  1. i love love love that first picture!! I am glad to see you guys are enjoying yourselves!!! praying for you often, Jaymee

  2. SOOO glad you were able to make this trip and great you are having such a wonderful and meaningful time. Safe travels back to the US.

    He is risen indeed – alleluia!

    Robin & Karen

  3. Hi Chad and Heather. Thank you for all the great pictures and update. Please tell everyone hello for us and greetings from the Big D. Our trip there last year was so special, definately one of my favorite trips ever. Enjoy your day in York. He is Risen!