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Well, fall is in full swing here in north Georgia. Actually, the best of the leaves changing colors are probably now behind us. Last Friday Heather, Maeby, and I had the opportunity to go to a few small north Georgia towns and Amicalola State Park to scout out a good location for a staff day away. Here are a few of the highlights:
Outside of the lodge at Amicalola State Park.
Heather’s favorite fall colors.
Looking out from the top of Amicalola Falls.
On the “strenuous” 425 step journey down to the mid falls.
The fall is a busy time for much of the staff as they are out catching up with many of the teams throughout Latin and South America and Africa. We are all looking forward to our staff get-away to share cool stories of what God is doing and to begin our preparation for the upcoming season of ministry.
Heather has enjoyed keeping busy with her current project of finding a staff get-away location and all the details that go along with a retreat. She is also busy contacting and setting up recruiting times with universities throughout the southeast. In the first part of 2009 Heather will be visiting numerous university campus ministries and university career days to recruit both participants and leaders for our spring and summer trips with AIM.
I am currently working on the challenge and project of reworking and creating new teaching curriculum for our Real Life High School and Real Life College teams. While I’ve always enjoyed journaling and writing blogs, this is a new experience for me and has become quite the task but I feel I am up for the challenge.
As the holidays quickly approach we are looking forward to our “Fun Friends Thanksgiving” with some of our friends this Saturday. We are basically going to share a Thanksgiving meal with some friends at our apartment and watch the Thanksgiving episodes of the TV show “Friends” together. On Sunday we are excited to be a part of “Missions Sunday” at Dunwoody Baptist Church where my dad used to be on staff and who are a part of our support team. I am going to be playing the song “Out Side of these Walls” for the offertory. We are also excited to have Heather’s brother Mike fly in from upstate New York to spend Thanksgiving with us.
We love hearing from you so please comment on our blog or send us an email ([email protected] and [email protected]).
On the Journey,
Chad, Heather, and Maeby

3 responses to “Fall is in Full Swing”

  1. Glad things continue to go well with you guys – great photos by the way – seems like a great place for a retreat:-). How cool you get to go back to Dunwoody – for them as a body and for you and your family 🙂

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving or in your case ThanksgivingS 🙂

    LOTS of love to you both

    Robin & Karen

  2. Thank you for sharing what you’re doing. Very informative. The setting is outrageously gorgeous. I’m sure it’s a sight in person. Your little cutie is well loved you can tell.
    Love, Lynette