
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Family, friends, supporters, and blog readers:

We’d like to start by thanking you for your continued financial support and prayer of our ministry. Your financial gifts and prayers are such a blessing to us. Nearly everyone at Adventures in Missions has been hit hard by the difficult financial times our country is in the midst of. We feel so fortunate and blessed that you guys as our support team have been able to faithfully give through these hard times, trusting that God will provide for you just as Heather and I trust that he will provide for us as well.

Over the past few months we’ve mentioned here and there trying to discern what God has in store for our next season of life. Our commitment with Adventures in Missions runs through this coming August and we’ve been seeking the Lord about what is next.

Here is a quick rundown of the options we were considering: One option we’ve been praying about is staying on with AIM and continuing to work on the office side of things here in Gainesville, GA. A second option we’ve prayed through is to go back into the field with AIM as team leaders. A third option that presented itself over the past few months was to go on staff (part time) with the church that we’ve been attending since August. The final option we have been praying through was to attend graduate school and seminary.

Well, after much prayer, discussion, and seeking the advise of wise counsel, Heather and I have made a decision about the next season of our lives.

We have decided to attend Truett Seminary at Baylor University in Waco, TX this fall.

In early February Heather and I attended a preview weekend at Truett and we both felt that God spoke clearly to us that Truett Seminary was where we needed to be. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to receive graduate level education to help prepare us for where we feel God is calling us to ultimately work and minister, the local church.

On Wednesday we received the exciting news that we had both been accepted. We believe this was the final confirmation from the Lord that this is his plan for us. I will be pursuing a Masters of Divinity with focus in Missions and World Christianity. My ultimate desire and what I believe God is calling me to is to be a pastor of local and global missions in a local church community.

Heather will be attending both the Baylor University School of Social Work and Truett Seminary as she is pursuing a dual masters degree (two masters degrees) in Social Work and a Masters of Divinity. Heather’s desire and what she feels God is calling her to is to be a social worker or hospital chaplain, both of which she would be qualified for.

So, what does all this mean? Well, Heather and I will serve out our commit with Adventures in Missions through August. At that point, we will move to Waco, TX to begin graduate school.

 As our financial supporters, we ask that you continue your commitment to supporting us through the end of August as well. We will be “finishing strong” in our commitment to AIM and ask that you would finish strong as well in your commitment to supporting us through the end of August in our ministry.

In addition to graduate school, God has opened another door for us in the short term that we are excited about. In August we began attending Lanier Hills Church and we quickly got involved serving in the student ministry and in a small group. In January Lanier Hills presented us with the opportunity to work as part time campus chaplains at our apartment complex through the organization Apartment Life.

Due to several factors, including the time commitment required, Heather and I didn’t feel like this was God’s best for us and withdrew our name from consideration, just after our visit to Baylor. About two weeks ago the student pastor at Lanier Hills felt it was best to step down for several reasons, including health issues.

As a result, Lanier Hills approached Heather and I about serving as interim student pastors on a part time basis. On Monday we accepted this opportunity and will be serving as the interim student pastors at Lanier Hills until August or Lanier Hills is able to find a permanent student pastor.

Before I go any further, let me assure you that our first and primary commitment is with Adventures in Missions. Through out this whole process with Lanier Hills we were in constant discussion with AIM and they supported us in taking on this student ministry opportunity. Lanier Hills also understands that our first and primary commitment is with AIM.

Over the past few months we have been more and more involved with the student ministry leading worship, teaching, and helping organize the student’s primary time together on Wednesdays. We are excited for the opportunity to expand our ministry here in Gainesville with these students over the next 5 months or so.

So, there you have it. That is the not so short version of what God has been doing in our lives and where he is leading us.

We invite you to join with us in prayer as we are in the midst of one of AIM’s busiest time of the year. Heather and I are both busy with interviews of students and leaders. We have a HUGE need for leaders (specifically male) for our summer college trips. Please join with us in asking God to direct the right leaders to AIM that have a heart for investing in, empowering, and discipling students.

We’d love to hear from you so please leave a comment, click “email us” on the top left side of this page, or email us directly.

Living and Loving, Life and God!!

Chad, Heather, and Maeby

8 responses to “Finally, Our Big Update”

  1. YAY! I am so excited for you!! I miss you so much, Heather,a nd I am excited to see how God is using you in every season of life, how exciting will this next one be??

  2. Ray and I are very excited for both of you. I know you will give your all as you complete your committment to AIM and we will continue our committment to you as you do so.

    Your folks have to be thrilled. God Bless you both. connie

  3. I’m excited for you and pray God’s continued blessings on you both as you finish strong here and then go on to the next things! Love ya!

  4. How great! God is providing for you guys in so many different ways. I am so glad you guys will be going to Truett! I know you will enjoy it as I did.

  5. Great news…we are both excited for you and will finish strong with you! God bless you as you make these exciting changes.

  6. Hey Guys! We are excited to see how all this has played out after much praying and waiting on God. You can count on our continued prayers and support. Love you both!

  7. Great news to see God’s plan for the both of you. We have been praying for both of you, and now see that God has answered them. May He continue to affirm you in everything you do in service to Him!

  8. We’re really excited for you Chad & Heather for all the opportunities that God has opened up – wonderful. Enjoy the rest of your time at AIM and the interim student ministry and we’ll be praying for you both, and esp. for a smooth transition back into school :-).

    We’re sure you will continue to know God’s blessing during the next few months, and in turn, be a great blessing to all who “share the road” with you.

    Much love Robin & Karen