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This past Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Heather and I helped take a group of students to Forward Conference 2009 that met at the Gwinnett Area. There were over 10,000 people in attendance. Some of the noted people who helped with the conference were David Crowder Band, Chirs Tomlin, Steve Fee, Louie Giglio, Judah Smith, and Reggie Dabbs. Here are a couple of pictures from the weekend:
Our group that went to Forward Conference.
Me and Heather.
Our students had a blast and went deeper in their faith.
Some of the highlights from the weekend were when Steve Fee lead worship at the final session. He was definitely the favorite of the students and they all waited in line so they could be right up on the stage. One of the students I have invested a lot in over the past year is a HUGE fan of Steve Fee. He got to interact with Steve Fee during worship and even got to meet him afterwards and get a picture and autograph. But what is even sweeter was watching this student engage in worship. He is a phenomenal guitarist and I have seen him grow by leaps and bounds in his heart for worship this past year.
Another cool picture was during a talk by Reggie Dabbs on Saturday morning. His theme was “One chance, one choice, one moment” and he was encouraging students to find freedom from the hurts, habits, and hang ups of life. At the end of his talk he invited people to come forward and receive prayer to find freedom. There were students literally running, not walking, not jogging, but RUNNING in an all out sprint as if their life depended on it to find healing and release. Man, it was such a moving experience.
Today our one month teams return from the field. Heather will be headed down to a hotel near the airport today to run the debrief with the leaders. I will join them tomorrow. Our one month team to Swaziland has arrived back in the States safely. Please be in prayer for our one month teams returning from Nicaragua and Kenya later today.
The reports that come in from the other 6 teams that are still in the field continue to be amazing. God is truly doing great things, his love is being shared, and the teams are building up God’s Kingdom here on earth. In the midst of all the good, Satan is trying to disrupt and destory what is being done. Please pray for protection for these teams. Praying against the lies and doubts of the evil one and that the teams would have strength as they enter the final month of their trips.
On Saturday Heather and I leave bright and early for New Orleans with 17 students from Lanier Hills. Yesterday the church prayed over our team and commissioned us. The students are so excited to bring the love, message, and hope of the Lord to the people of New Orleans. Please pray for the hearts of both the students, leaders, and the people we encounter and that God would do great things!!
Chad, Heather, and Maeby

5 responses to “Forward Conference”

  1. Guys, I am glad to hear of your awesome weekend. There were some great people there. You guys are so great with what you do for these young people. May God continue to work in the hearts of the young and you and Heather as well. Have a safe trip to NO and one filled with God’s love.

  2. Sounds tremendous – you are certainly packing a lot in during your last few weeks – but sounds like you will be upheld by all the great things God is doing in and through you and your teams. Safe travels and many blessings.

    Karen and I head for England (Cambridge, Cornwall and Bath) on Weds – back on July 17th.



  3. I will pray for you guys as you travel to New Orleans. Peace and Joy for the journey…love you, Mom

  4. I love the report/images in my head of those running to the call after Reggie spoke. Talk about running for (your) life. Way cool. I can only imagine the pressure being a teen these days…..

    OH when the Saints, go marching in, Oh when the Saints go maching in……….

    Good ol Dixie Jazz in my head as you venture Nawlins way…….

    Peace, Love and deodorant, please!


    As always, you are loved and prayerd for from here. I just know something wonderful is about to happen. Can’t wait to hear all about it. {{{{BIG HUG}}}}}

  5. I loved seeing that kid as well as the others worship also. Thanks for pouring into both of my kids. I’m excited to see where God leads them.