
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Wow, has it really been over two weeks since I’ve updated our blog?!? It has been CRAZY busy here around AIM as we interview participants for our summer trips (April 1 is the deadline, whew!), interview leaders for the summer trips, prepare for leader training April 2-5, and go about our normal involvement in church and our community. We’ve also been busy preparing for our transition to Waco, TX in the fall to attend Baylor University and Truett Seminary.  So, needless to say, life has been a bit of a whirlwind the past two weeks or so.
Last week Heather and I had a bit of a “working vacation” as we were able to travel with my parents up to Tennessee and over to South Carolina to visit family that I hadn’t seen in a few years and that Heather had never met. There was also a brief stop off in the middle here in Gainesville so that my parents could see a bit of our world and visit Adventures in Missions. In the midst of time with family we were still going out some of our responsibilities remotely.
This past weekend was “Disciple Now” for the Lanier Hills youth group that we work with. It was an awesome weekend of spiritual break through, growth, and worship for our students. A real highlight of the weekend for me was getting to lead the youth band as we led worship at both of Lanier Hills Church worship services on Sunday. I am so proud of the youth band that we get the joy of working with twice a week. They did such a great job leading the church in worship, really showcasing their growth in leading and their passion for worship (as well as their abilities because they are very talented!). I had the honor of leading two of the five songs that we lead the church in. 
A real “theme song” for Heather and I over the past few months is the song “From the Inside Out.” We have experienced so much growth in our walk with the Lord and our marriage as we’ve tried to really allow God to mold us and shape us from the inside outward. Below is a video from Sunday of me leading this song with the youth band.
Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support as Heather and I finish strong in our time with Adventures in Missions. If that news of Baylor and finishing strong comes as a bit of a shock, please check out this blog for a full update:
Chad, Heather, and Maeby

One response to “From the Inside Out”

  1. Hey Chad and Heather. Inside Out sounds great. It looks like the youth leading in the service was a huge success. Keep up the good work with them. Love you!