
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Heather and I just wanted to give you a brief update on how you can be praying with us over the next couple of weeks. You may or may not know that our current commitment with Adventures in Missions runs through August of 2008. Before Heather and I met we had both made two year staff commitments with AIM and this is our 2nd year of our two year commitments.
Since arriving in Gainesville, GA at the end of August Heather and I have been asking the Lord in simple terms “what’s next?” We’ve committed our lives in service to him in whatever way, shape, and form that takes. Throughout the fall we didn’t really seem to have any clear direction but continued to faithfully ask God to reveal to us his best for our lives. Over the past two months or so we feel God has given us a little bit of direction and some opportunities to pray about and look into.  Our two primary leadings have been to stay on with Adventures in Missions for another year (here in Gainesville or going back over-seas) or for both of us to pursue graduate school.
Over the past few days we really feel God has spoken to us and we are now trying to discern if this is his best for the next season of our lives. Over the weekend we had an awesome opportunity presented to us that seems to be a real “God thing.” We have a couple of very important meetings and conversations over this next week that we are praying God will speak through and give us clear direction. We are excited about the possibilities and opportunities we have before us. We ask that you pray with us that we will discern God’s best for this next season of life.
I apologize if I’m a bit vague. I hope to give specific details in the first part of next week. 
Our small group at church and the high school students we work with continue to be such blessing and amazing ministry opportunity. I was excited to get back to the Boys and Girls club last week after missing a week due to training camp. We’re also excited to have Heather’s good friends Tag and Holly move in literally across the hall from us at our apartment complex. Heather worked with Tag and Holly in South Africa and Holly is one of Heather’s closest friends.
In these hard financial times, we’ve lost a few supporters and have had others who’ve had to decrease their support. However, God has blessed us with new supporters and others who were able to increase their support. After crunching the numbers today I discovered we have the EXACT monthly amount coming in that we need. How crazy is that? Having some margin would be nice but regardless we trust that God will continue to provide. We remain extremely grateful for God’s provision of us and the role that each of you play in that through your prayers and financial support.
Chad, Heather, and Maeby

3 responses to “How You Can Pray with Us”

  1. You both have God’s ears, and I believe He will give you the answer that you are seeking. Some door(s) may close, while another may open. Samuel heard God’s voice and was told to reply, “Yes Lord, your servant is listening.” Prayer and fasting can indeed allow you to discern His answer to your prayer.

    Bless you both.

  2. Psalm 17:6 I call on you, O God, for you will answer me;
    give ear to me and hear my prayer.

    Thinking of and praying for you.