
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Heather and I arrived into New Orleans yesterday with our team. We have a group of 18 total which includes the new youth pastor at Lanier Hills and 15 students. Thus far everything is going well and the drive down went fine. Today we are going to a local church, driving around to a few different ministry sites to pray over them, handing out flyers about VBS and a cook-out, and practicing a little bit of relational evangelism. Please be in prayer for our team as this is most of the teams first mission trip and much of what we are doing is going to be a HUGE stretch for them. Please pray for courage, boldness, the desire to step outside of their comfot zone, the right words, and that we would be vessels to be used by God. Please also pray for the health of our team as we have one student who is battling a bit of something. Please pray for her healing so that she can fully engage in all that God desires to do in her and through her this week.
And that is our prayer today, that God would do whatever he needs to do in us so that he can do whatever he wants to do through us.
Chad and Heather

2 responses to “In New Orleans”

  1. Glad to hear the trip went well and you’ve arrived safely. Praying for you guys for a great week!

  2. We will be praying for the students and everyone involved. Be safe and spread His great love.