
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I just want to thank you for following this blog the past year or so. This should be my last posting at this blog site. However, if you’d like to continue follow our lives, we encourage you to check out our new blog at:
If you like receiving email updates when we make a new post, you can sign up for email updates on our new blog as well. Just go to and on the right side of the page click the link under “Follow our journey.” Follow the simple instructions and you’ll be good to go!!
Our personal email addresses are still the same and our cell phone numbers are the same as well. Our new mailing address is:
One Bear Place #85464
Waco, TX 76798
If you have any questions about ending your support at the end of August, please contact me as soon possible by commenting to this post or contacting me directly. I think that is all the info I can think of so this is Chad, signing out. Check out the new blog!!
Chad and Heather

One response to “Last Posting . . . Check out our new Blog!!”

  1. Blessings – thanks for keeping us so well posted over the last few years – we’ll be sure to transition to the new blog.