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Well, today for Heather’s 25th birthday we purchased a little Boston terrier puppy we’ve named Maeby. Since returning from South Africa Heather has been researching and waiting for the “perfect” dog. We especially saved some money from our wedding fund to purchase a dog when we found the right one. We found Maeby online this past week and we both fell in love with her. So, this morning we hit the road at 6:00am to drive 4 hours to Broxton, Georgia to add Maeby to our family.
 I’m sure you are wondering where we got the name Maeby from. Our good friends Don and Connie got us hooked on the show Arrested Development. While it lasted only 3 short seasons on Fox, it has developed quite the following on DVD. One of our favorite character’s from the show is named Maeby and thus we found our name.
Maeby is such a wonderful little dog. She is a welcomed and greatly anticipated (Heather could not wait to get a dog) addition to our family. 
Living and Loving, Life and God!!
Chad, Heather, and Maeby

5 responses to “Meet Maeby”

  1. I love Maeby!!! Hooray for having a little friend who will always be happy to see you and make your day brighter!! Love you.