
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

In the midst of the holiday busyness and our work with AIM, we’d also like to update you on some outside ministry opportunities that we are involved in. This past Sunday I led worship at the Phoenix Community of Atlanta ( Our good friend Jeff Bagwell (my former student pastor who performed our wedding ceremony) is the co-pastor there. Through the years I’ve lead worship for Jeff numerous times so it was great to serve with him again. The Phoenix Community is a young church community just over a year old and they meet in a pizza parlor in a suburb of Atlanta. They are doing some exciting things and we hope to serve with them again soon.
We continue to work with the youth band and meet with them at our apartment once a week for bible study. This past week we had great discussion as we’ve been studying the book of Philippians. It was cool to see some fruit and growth from our time and work with them. In addition to meeting with them on Sunday’s and Wednesdays for the youth services and the small group, Heather meets with two girls from the band on a weekly basis. She is discipling them and encouraging them through the various circumstances that come with being in high school.
I’m also really excited about and enjoying volunteering at the Hall County Boys and Girls Club of America ( Our next door neighbor is the director there and has helped me get plugged in. I’m trying to volunteer there one to two days a week and had a blast there last night. The work is very similar to what I did in England with Dave Fraser and the youth club that he runs. I just get to hang out with the kids and youth playing pool and ping-pong, help them with their home work, laugh, and generally have a good time. It’s a great opportunity to be a positive influence and role model in the lives of these kids and youth as most of them come from single parent homes and lack a male figure in their life.
This Friday night I’m helping out with a time of worship at Lanier Hills Church ( where Heather and I have been attending. It’s basically an informal time of worship with some experiential activities and lot’s of room for the Spirit to move. I’ve also been asked to get involved with their main worship services so we’ll see what develops out of that. I’m also supposed to lead worship at Celebrate Recovery at Dunwoody Baptist Church ( on December 21st.
So, as you can see we are busy as we try to help build a different kind of tomorrow here in our community.
Chad, Heather, and Maeby