
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Heather and I remain very busy with our various roles here in Gainesville. The next two and a half weeks are our final big push and then things will slow down dramatically. We continue to keep up with our 9 teams that are in the field. The stories and reports we get are are amazing. Many of the reports seem to be straight from the book of Acts. Our teams are seeing people come to the Lord, people are being healed, and people are being released from demons and powers of the evil one.
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Heather and I are taking a group of students from Lanier Hills to the Forward Conference ( in Atlanta. Some of the noted people who are a part of this conference are Louie Giglio, Chris Tomlin, Fee (Steve Fee’s band) and my personal favorite the David Crowder Band. Our summer has been so busy for us thus far so Heather and I are both hoping to receive something from the Lord this weekend.
Our one month teams return back the the States on June 29th and Heather and I will be running their debrief before they head home. And then July 4-10 we will be leading a one week trip to New Orleans through AIM for the youth group of Lanier Hills. Adventures in Missions purpose or theme statement for the trips in New Orleans is “rebuilding people, not structures.” Ministries we’ll be a part of include VBS, relational evangelism, prayer walks, and some light manual labor. Our students are really excited about this opportunity.
This past weekend I had the opportunity to go to Dallas and lead worship at Valley Ranch Baptist Church ( It was nice to see my parents and Joy and Caleb while I was in Dallas. Heather wasn’t able to go because she had a girls weekend planned here in Gainesville with a good friend of hers.
We continue to be so grateful for your monthly support. We are amazed by the Lord’s faithfulness and provision inspite of the hard economic times. Your monthly gifts to us literally have an impact on people all over the world through the leaders and students Heather and I have had the joy to train and send out. As we fullfill our commitment with Adventures in Missions, we ask and pray that you will be able to fullfill your financial commitment with your final gift being given in August.   
Grace and Peace,
Chad, Heather, and Maeby