
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Life continues to move right along here in Gainesville, Ga. It is hard to believe we’ve been here for two months already. As we are coming up on three months of marriage, Heather and I continue to learn and grow. It is awesome to see the ways God is working in our lives as a couple and how he molds us individually as well.

Upon moving here Heather and I were hoping to find serving opportunities outside of our work with Adventures in Missions. For the past 6 weeks or so we’ve been working with the student ministry band of a local church. The band consists of 7 students (2 girls and 5 guys) who desire to grow as musicians and singers but more importantly in their walks with the Lord.  Working with these students on Sundays and Wednesdays is seriously the highlight of our week. We also meet with them once a week for a small group bible study at our apartment.

Heather and I are both passionate about investing in and discipling students. It’s our desire that they would experience life change and become difference makers in our world. We spent the first couple of weeks talking about how worship and lifestyle go hand in hand. We also looked at worship as being upward, inward, and outward. On Sunday we began a study of Philippians and what it means to live as a citizen of heaven and living in a manner worthy of the Gospel. I’m really excited about this study and hopefully helping lead these students to an experience of radical life change.

Although I don’t notice it, Heather says Maeby is growing every day. Maeby is kind of in “terrible two’s” stage (she’s two months old) and is getting very curious, independent, and at times very defiant. Basically, she’s a puppy and she brings so much joy and laughter to our lives.

Maeby has also been a great as a “ministry tool” so to speak. So many of our neighbors like to stop and talk with us about her and it’s given us a chance to get to know people and begin building relationships. As a result of the “Maeby affect” we are dog sitting for our next-door neighbors this weekend. This relationship we are beginning to build with our neighbors could prove to be a valuable ministry contact as well because he works for the Hall Country Boys and Girls Club of America.

During these hard economic times, we understand the sacrifice you are making to support us. We really can’t thank you enough for your commitment of prayer and financial support. We continue to trust that God will provide for us just as we trust he will provide for you as well. Our hearts and prayers really go out to our friends and supporters who find themselves in difficult times financially and who have even recently lost their jobs. We pray for financial stability, new jobs, and a deeper reliance and trust in the Lord.

Chad and Heather