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No, Monday’s are not my favorite day of the month. I am a morning person and love the mornings but seriously, who really likes returning to work on a Monday? As many of you know my favorite number is 2 and I always say that 22 is even better (because it’s two 2’s). So today, the 22nd, is my favorite day of the month. Yeah yeah, I know I’m an odd guy.
Heather and I overall are doing well. Last week was a little tough on us (Doctor’s visits, diet changes, first month financial expenses, budgeting together etc.) but we weathered the storms. I believe we learned a lot and that we continue to grow in our love. In addition to your prayers for our work with AIM we welcome your prayers for our marriage and our spiritual development as well.
We had a great meeting with the NextStep department on Thursday. As AIM continues to restructure and prepare for the upcoming ministry year, we have a much better picture of our role in the office. In addition to being support staff for the NextStep department, we’ve been presented with some neat opportunities that we are praying thru.
The biggest option we’ve been presented with is to be the team leader/director for all of AIM’s Real Life high school and Real Life college trips to Europe. Because of the current state of the U.S. economy and the weakness of the U.S. dollar in the British and European economies, AIM has had to drastically limit their involvement in Europe because of cost. Currently there are high school trips to Ireland and potential trips to England and Romania in the spring and/or summer of 2009. The trip to England would be targeted towards home schooled high school students and would focus on both missions work and educational experiences. The trip to Romania would have a strong sports emphasis partnering with local Christian sports ministries. We invite you to pray with us as we try to discern if this is a role God would have us serve in for this next ministry season.
As the team leader/director Heather and I would be responsible for most aspects of the trips including:
Trip Development
Leader Development
Trip setup and logistics
Training camp
Leading trips
Debrief and follow up
Again, we welcome your prayers for this exciting opportunity we are praying through. As a side note, we also hope to visit Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa (where Heather was last year) later this fall to give some of the staff some time off and for Heather to reconnect with friends and ministry partners.
Heather and I also have had a neat opportunity outside of AIM to work with students in a youth band from a local church. A family that we work with at AIM has a son in the band and they asked us over the summer if we would be interested in working with the band’s musical but more importantly, spiritual development.
For the past few weeks we’ve been attending rehearsals and the youth activities when the band has lead worship. It’s been a lot of fun to see the improvement in the band musically but also helping them better understand what worship is and the privilege it is to lead their peers to a place where they can encounter and worship God.
Last night we had the band over to our apartment for a small group bible study. We looked at the passage Romans 12:1-5 and talked about what worship is and how each of us bring something unique to the body of Christ. It was cool to help the students see what they bring to the band (deeper than the instrument they play) but also to see them encourage each other and value each other’s gifts and abilities. Working with and hanging out with these students 2-3 times a week has become one of my favorite parts of my week so expect to hear more about the cool things God is doing through this ministry opportunity.
A random note as I close . . . . Heather and I have tried to pick up tennis as a hobby and form of exercise to do together. Neither one of us have ever really played before so it’s been a interesting experience. We get a little better each day and welcome any tips that you might have.
Living and Loving, Life and God!!
Chad and Heather

3 responses to “My favorite day of the month”

  1. Hey Guys,

    As always, I appreciate the updates and knowing how to specifically pray for you. I am so blessed by the growth and work that God is doing your lives. The ways you daily commit yourselves to God, and openly share your joys and challenges, is such an example to me of how you live out your faith. Love and prayers to you, and I miss you.

  2. Hi! Great to hear things are going well. Sorry for updating you guys on your AIM sight, but with drugs going on I feel lucky to remember how to do that. I am feeing some better, please keep the prayers going. There has been talk of sending me home this week. Almost time for therapy. My prayers are always with you guys. keep up the good hard work. Go CUBS!
    Praise God through doing for others!
    Love, Babette