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Heather and I are back from New Orleans. We had a great week there with the Lanier Hills youth group. I just wanted to quickly share some pictures from our week and I will hopefully be posting more soon. I’ve got to give props to Gavin Sexton (an up and coming photographer) for these pictures as well as a picture from the cell phone of Josh Gross.
Chad and Heather
Here are the girls from the youth group before church on Sunday.
And here are the guys featuring the new youth pastor Gabe (in the gray shirt slouching) and our AIM project leader Esteban.
Here we are reviewing our songs and actions before VBS.
Me and Heather doing some clean up in a church that is still trying to recover almost 4 years after Katrina.
We did some sweet ministry on the street cars of New Orleans talking to people, praying with them, and giving them bibles.
Each afternoon we did a VBS with the kids in the community outside of an abandoned school. We would do songs, games, a bible story, craft etc.
In the center of the above picture (standing next to me with the orange Nike’s) is a boy named Dante. A couple of our students helped Dante ask Jesus to be the leader of his life and I had the pleasure of following up with him. That is just one of the many great things that God did this week.