
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Well, we are all packed and loaded and about to hit the road. We have our apartment check out in about 30 minutes and we’ll on the road shortly there after. As our season with AIM comes to a close, we are grateful for all that God has done in us and through us. As we embark on this new adventure, we remain confident in God’s faithfulness and goodness, in all things and in all circumstances.
This past week the Lord has been bringing me back to the same passage (and giving me opportunities to put it into practice!!) and I wanted to share it with you. 2 John verses 5 and 6 says:
5 I a writing to remind you, dear friends, that we should love one another. This is not a new commandment, but one we have had from the beginning. 6 Love means doing what God has commanded us, and he has commanded us to love one another, just as you have heard from the beginning.
I love the start of verse 6, “Love means doing. . . ” That just reminds me that love is an action (Love is a Verb, as DC Talk once sang). Wherever we find ourselves, whatever situation we might be in, we can all practice love, because we know that to love is God’s greatest commandments to us; to love him and to love others.
That is our desire as we leave Gainesville and move on to Waco. Our life mission remains the same, “To help build a different kind of tomorrow.” And I believe that to help build that different tomorrow, love has to be at the center and it has to point others to God.
We ask for your prayers as we travel these next two days. We have quick stop off for the night in Jackson, Mississippi tonight with some friends and then will drive the rest of the way to Waco on Friday.
Grace and Peace,
Chad, Heather, and Maeby

One response to “Packed up and Heading Out”

  1. Be safe, be carefull. Love you guys and are excited for your new season in life. God will continue to use you both in many ways.