
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey family, friends, and supporters!! I want to apologize for not updating our blog in 10 days now. Heather and I have been very busy and life has just gotten away from us a bit. Heather has been busy with lot’s of college recruiting visits throughout the southeast trying to find both leaders and participants for our upcoming summer trips. I’ve been given some additional responsibility with AIM and I am serving as sort of the interim Real Life College Coordinator. It’s been a great learning opportunity for me as I interview and place leaders, help plan leader new leader training in April, check-in with leaders currently in the field, help prepare for training camp in May, and make sure the summer trips are set up and ready to go.
Last weekend Heather and I had the opportunity to go to Waco and Dallas, TX. As I mentioned in my last blog, Heather and I are asking God “What’s next?” and graduate school is one the options we are  exploring and praying about. We had a great visit to Truett Seminary at Baylor University. In addition to a beautiful campus and facilities, we were very impressed with the seminary faculty and program options. After visiting Truett on Thursday and Friday we were able to hang out with my family Saturday and Sunday. Katelyn came home from college and Joy and Caleb drove down from Oklahoma City. My parents recently moved into their new town home and it was great to have th whole family there.
Heather and I feel like God has given us pretty clear picture of where God is directing us for our next season of life and ministry. We feel so blessed to have so many great opportunities whether with Adventures in Missions, working for a local church, or going to graduate school. We are taking just a bit more time to continue to pray about where we feel God is leading us and waiting for a few more things to fall into place before making a “formal” announcement.
Chad, Heather, and Maeby