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According to, the meaning of White elephant is, ”
A burdensome possession; creating more trouble than it is
worth.”  And yet these are the most entertaining parties during the holiday season.  It gives us an excuse to pass on that tacky gift we either received at last year’s white elephant gift exchange or somehow managed to receive during the course of the year.  According to Wikipedia here is a little history on White Elephants and their place in American’s Christmases.


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“A white elephant is an item that is either useless,
unweildy, expensive to maintain, or otherwise not worth the expense of keeping.
The term originally derived from the sacred East Asian white elephant, a holy
animal that could not be abandoned, used or mistreated. Since an elephant was
(and is) quite expensive to keep, one which can be of no use to it’s owner is
quite a financial catastrophe. Often a noble or king who was displeased with a
lesser noble in Thailand would gift the noble with a white elephant, a
superficial symbol of status, wealth and luck that would lead the lesser noble
into bankruptcy and ruin. So clearly, a white elephant is something to be wary
of, as it is intended to be useless, whether you are in an office in Brooklyn
or a royal gathering in Thailand!”

Chad and I have managed to attend three white elephant gift exchanges this past week.  We also managed to walk away with nothing that created more trouble than it’s worth.  How that worked out, I’m not sure, some may claim that since we are married we had  somewhat of an advantage.  I’d like to think we got lucky.  Either way we have nothing to add to our collection of worthless possessions!  
The latest exchange was with the small group we lead for the youth at Lanier Hills. 
Here’s a picture of all of us!
We had a blast eating, playing and celebrating together last night.  Continue to pray for the band as we are losing a member and about to search for the next greatest bassist!  It will be a transition for us, but God always provides.  
This last week we were also blessed to find a small group for ourselves.  It has been something we have been praying for for months and feel so blessed that God has heard our request.  There are five other couples varying in age and life stages and our time with them has already been fruitful. 
In a week we will be traveling home for the holidays to visit family and friends.  We are a bit stressed at the moment trying to figure things out with Maeby.  She will be coming with us, but there are so many regulations and fees etc.  So if you wouldn’t mind praying with us about our upcoming travels that would be appreciated.
We are so excited to see our families and friends and to spend time celebrating the real reason for the season…. not white elephants! 
Hope this finds you all well!
Heather, Chad and Maeby


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