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As promised, here are some photos from the past 10 days of training that Heather and I oversaw. These are just a few of the highlights of worship, prayer, investing in leaders, fun times, and times of rest. These photos are all courtesy of Doyle Wallace, one of my leaders leading the one month Swaziland trip. To see more of his photos, check out:
Heather and I are now in full swing of keeping in contact with our teams in the field. This involves helping the leaders process the culture shock of the things they are seeing and experiencing, how to balance logistical stuff, team life, ministry, how to deal with problems and issues that arise, and just generally making sure that our leaders are taken care of physically, emotionally, and spiritual. It’s already been so cool to hear some of the stories of the ways God is using these teams in their respective countries. We hope to share some stories with you soon.
Heather and I leave on Wednesday for a few days of vacation in downtown Chicago and going to a Cubs game. Over the weekend we’ll be involved with all of the wedding festivities of my good friends Drew and Christine who I spent two years serving in England with. I’m excited to serve as a groomsman in their wedding and the play a song for them. It will be fun to see Henry and Ian from England, our England staff that I served with, and several of the participants as well.
Chad, Heather, and Maeby
Me leading worship at one of our evening sessions.
Our leaders praying over their students at the commissioning service.
You’ve got to have some fun at training as well. The guy on the right is Kenny, one of my leaders in India. This was a one on one dance off.
Heather just hanging out with and investing in Brittany, who is one of our leaders in Nicaragua. The guy on the right is Chad Small who is leading in the Philippines.
Maeby got to hang out with us some at leader training. This was when we brought her with us to the lake as we wrapped up leader training with some lake fun.