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I just wanted to give a bit of an update on our prayer needs from our last blog; one of our most pressing needs was to find two more leaders, a guy and girl, for our our summer trips. I am happy to report that the Lord provided those leaders!! The female leader is for sure going and we have just a few details to work out for the male leader to lead for us this summer. This is a huge answer to prayer so thank you for all of you that joined with us.
In addition to continuing to pray for our upcoming training camp May 29-June 3, I have one other prayer need I would love for your to join with us in. As I mentioned above, we now have all of our leaders for the summer, however, the leaders now need to raise their support for the trip that they are going to be leading. Like most staff with AIM, our summer leaders are supported through the gifts and donations of friends, family, churches etc. Please pray that the leaders support will come in quickly as they arrive for leader training in two weeks.
As many of you know, Heather and I are serving as the interim student pastors at our church. We are happy to report that yesterday Lanier Hills introduced the new youth pastor who will start the 1st of June. Heather and I care so deeply for the students and we think Gabe is going to be a great fit as their student pastor. He is passionate for investing in students and helping them realize God’s best for their lives. We will stay on in a staff capacity through the first part of July to help him transition in to his new job. Additionally, we’ll still be heading up many of the summer activities including the missions trip through AIM to New Orleans July 4-10. And of course, we’ll continue to volunteer and hang out with the students until we move to Texas in August.
Last night, we had a sweet time with the high school students at the small group we host each week. We took some time as a group to remember the many ways God has blessed us and what he has done in our lives. We also took some time to dream about what we want God to do in our lives and who we want to become. Heather and I are so proud of the students as they are earnestly seeking God’s best for their lives and are trying to live out the “I am 3rd” challenge. We closed out time sharing communion and worshipping together. It was truly one of my favorite memories of the past several months.
And finally, our good friends Tag and Holly Thompson had their first child on Friday. Here is a picture of Holly, Heather, and little Jack Peyton Thompson.
Living and Loving, Life and God!!
Chad and Heather

3 responses to “Prayer Needs Update”

  1. God is so generous. We ask and He answers with abundance!
    Praise His Holy Name!!!