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This past week has been filled with de-junking, packing, finalizing moving preparations, and spending time with friends. The reality of moving on from Gainesville, GA and our time with AIM has really set in. While we are greatly looking forward to what is next, good-byes or until next-times are never easy.
Last night our good friends the Thompson’s and William’s hosted a good-bye party for us at church. It was neat to have friends from AIM, our small group, and students and leaders from the student ministry bless us and let us know how much we mean to them. Heather and I felt so honored, loved, and cared for as they wrote us notes, got us gifts, and prayed over us as we prepare to move. Here are a couple of pictures from last night.
Tag, Holly, and Jack Thompson praying with us.
Most of our small group praying with us (joking around in this moment).
The new youth pastor at Lanier Hills Gabe and his fiancee’ Bri.
We have seriously been so blessed by the community we have had here in Gainesville. Heather and I are praying for an awesome community and great friends at Baylor and invite you to join with us in that prayer.
Our 2 month teams begin travel today back to the States and get in tomorrow for debrief. Please join us in prayer for safety of travel, that they will make all their connecting flights, and that all their luggage will make it as well. We are looking forward to spending the next 2 days with the teams and hear more stories of all that God has done in them and through them this summer.
Heather and I are also looking forward to spending time with her dad, step mom, and sisters later this week. We’ll get to show them around Gainesville and the AIM base and then spend a few days with them in Savannah, GA and Hilton Head, SC. It’ll also be fun to spend some time with my mom’s brother and his family who live on Hilton Head Island. In the midst of all of that, Heather and I are looking forward to celebrating our one year anniversay on August 2nd.
We’ll be pulling out of Gainesville on August 6th with a stop off in Mississippi (roughly the half way point) before arriving into Waco, TX on August 7th. We’ll sort of have the weekend to get somewhat settled before starting training for our new jobs on August 10th.
God’s provision for us in our transition into this new season of life has been so evident. However, one sad thing is that we are not allowed to have our dog Maeby with us in our dorm/apartment. My parents have graciously “adopted” her for us during this next season of life. My mom is really excited to have a 2nd Boston Terrier and a friend for their dog Bosco.
Well, I guess that is all for now,
Chad and Heather

6 responses to “Preparing to Move”

  1. My prayers will be with you and Heather as you travel and start the next chapter of your lives. Happy Anniversary!! It doesn’t seem possible.

    I know you will do as you always do, making new friends in Christ and touching the lives of those around you. I know you will keep yours eyes up. Safe travel, and give your mom and dad a big hug for me when you see them. connie

  2. Chad,
    Looking forward to you being closer soon! Hopefully this means I’ll actually get to see you and TALK instead of passing you and your beautiful bride in the hallway. Safe journey and blessings as you leave well!

  3. So many things coming up in the next couple of weeks…may you enjoy it and feel blessed as you end one season and being another. Love you both.

  4. its been great watching you both growing over the past few years – and your considerable gifts will continue to develop and bless more and more people. thanks for sharing some of your journey with me – grace and peace as you travel on!

  5. God has led you to AIM and now is leading you to the next journey in your life. Are you feeling a little like Abram and Sarah?

    We are so glad that you were surrounded by such loving Christian friends. We are praying as you now leave for Waco.