
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello all, we just wanted to let you know that we arrived safely into Denver last night right on schedule. We’ll be here in Denver with Heather’s family until Saturday morning at which point we’ll fly to Dallas to be with my family. We are so grateful that God has provide for us and that we are able to be with loved ones during this time of year.
Please keep our puppy Maeby in your prayers. We left her at a kennel and training facility while we are traveling. Airlines make it incredibly difficult to travel with a pet and it was increasingly difficult because we are traveling three different airlines, each with their own restrictions, over the course of our travels.  Maeby is in a two week training program and is supposed to receive lot’s of attention and training. However, kennels are still kennels and it was hard to leave our little “baby Maeby.” We are praying that her training goes well, that she doesn’t get too nervous or lonely, for her health, and that the kennel will give her excellent care.
We see the evidence of God’s care and provision in our lives each day. We are so thankful for two anonymous gifts that we’ve recently received. In the midst of hard economic times some supporters have had to withdraw, decrease, or post-pone their support and these anonymous gifts help fill that need in our monthly support. We are so thankful and grateful for all of our supporters. We pray for you each day and trust that God will provide for your needs just as we trust him with ours.
May you be blessed this holiday season,
Chad, Heather, and Maeby