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Thoughts & Inspiration

Just a few minutes ago we finished our Wednesday morning all staff prayer. AIM’s founder Seth Barnes had a plan or idea for how he wanted our prayer time to go but God showed up, took things in a different direction, and did some cool things. A theme that really flowed out of this prayer time was the thought and challenge of being a people who speak and bring life into a hurting world.
Will the words we speak and the way we do life bring life, light, and love to our communities and the people we encounter?
Or will the words we speak and the way we do life bring death, darkness, and destruction?
We have a choice each day how we will live and what we will bring into our families, our schools, our workplaces, our churches, our sports leagues, and our places of ministry. What will we speak and what will we bring? Life or death? Light or darkness? Love or destruction?
A great passage of scripture that we looked at this morning was Isaiah 58:5-10 which I encourage you to check out.
During our prayer time someone prayed I line that has really captured my thoughts at the moment. A co-worker prayed “As hardship comes that love would be the reflex.”
It’s my desire this day that love would be the reflex no matter what I encounter in our hurting world.
May love be the reflex,
Chad, Heather, and Maeby
“Honor the Lord in everything you do, and don’t follow your own desires or talk idly. If you do this, the Lord will be your delight.” Isaiah 58:13b-14a