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Dear Family, Friends and Supporters,

Heather and I would like say a huge THANK YOU for your love, prayers, and financial support over the past year. It is hard to believe that our time with Adventures in Missions is coming to a close at the end of July.

This past year in Gainesville, GA has been invaluable for us on a personal level, as we believe that we’ve built a strong foundation for our marriage. We celebrate one year together on August 2nd. Just a few of God’s many blessings this past year have been a wonderful community of friends, a great church, an incredible small group, awesome serving opportunities with the student ministry, and mentors who have invested in us.

We have also had an incredible year with Adventures in Missions. Heather and I were the Coordinators for the Real Life College program, which sends college aged students on 1 to 3 month trips. This summer we sent out about 125 students and leaders to the Amazon Jungle/Peru, Guatemala, Kenya, India, Nicaragua, the Philippines, and Swaziland.

Before sending out these students we saw God do an incredible work in their lives as many found healing and freedom from the hurts of life and mistakes made. These students have been Jesus with skin on in the field and we have seen individuals and families restored, healings, communities encouraged, structures built, and hundreds of people come to know the Lord. Some of the stories and ways our teams have seen God move have been straight out of the book of Acts. Your prayers and financial investment in us have had a direct part in the lives that have been changed for God’s kingdom glory.

What’s next

As our full-time involvement with Adventures in Missions comes to a close, we are leaving Gainesville, GA with a great relationship. AIM has talked to us about leading worship and helping teach at future training camps. They have also talked to us about leading regional trainings in the Dallas area as well as helping start a new weekend missions experience called “Excursions,” which are poverty and homeless simulations that are currently in the developmental stage.

So, as we move to Waco, TX to attend graduate school at Truett Seminary and Baylor University, we are grateful for God’s provision and look forward to what is in store in this new season of life. We’ve both been blessed with jobs at Baylor, a free-living situation, and scholarships that cover much of our tuition and expenses. We are also greatly looking forward to being closer to our family in the Dallas area.

Important financial information
We want to again thank you for your prayers and financial support this past year. For those of you that give to us on a monthly basis, I have some very important information for you, especially for those who have automatic monthly giving set up.

•    If you could give your final monthly gift to Adventures in Missions in August 2009, that would be a huge blessing to us as we move and transition to new jobs.

•    If you mail in your monthly gift, after the month of August you can stop giving to AIM and you will be all set.

•    If you have automatic giving set up on your debit/credit card, I can notify accounting to end your giving after the month of August.

•    If you have automatic giving set up to be withdrawn from your checking account, you will need to contact your bank and have this service stopped after the month of August.

If you have any questions about your final financial gift to us or ending your automatic monthly giving, please feel free to leave a comment on the blog with your contact info and I will get back with you asap.

Heather and I would not have been able to do what we have done in our time with Adventures in Missions without your love, prayers, and financial support. So, while our location and jobs are changing, our life mission remains the same: to help build a different kind of tomorrow.

The Apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 2:14 “Now wherever we go he uses us to tell others about the Lord and to spread the Good News like a sweet perfume.”

And may it be with you also.

Helping build a different kind of tomorrow,

Chad and Heather Mustain

One response to “Thank You!!”

  1. Well done you two. We’ve been honoured to share, in a small way, with you guys in your adventure.

    Here’s to the next chapter 🙂

    Happy First Anniversary – have fun celebrating!

    Every blessing

    Robin & Karen