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Hey there friends and family-
We hope that you all have had a wonderful time of rest, food, fun, family, and friends the past few days. We’ve enjoyed all of those things and have had a great time with Heather’s little big brother Mike who flew in Thanksgiving morning. Heather and I have so much to be thankful for and we owe that to so many of you. It’s because of your love, friendship, prayers, and support that we are able to carry out the call we feel God has placed on our lives.
Here are a few photos of the past few days.
Chad, Heather, and Maeby
Me and my brother in law Mike enjoying Thanksgiving lunch.
After an unsuccessful trip to a small tree farm, we found our tree at a local farmer’s market.
And here is our first tree!!
Heather and Mike were the light experts. I was demoted to keeping the light strand straight.
And here is the finished product of our first Christmas tree!!

One response to “Thanksgiving and our 1st Christmas Tree”

  1. Hey Chad and Heather

    Glad you’ve had a great first Thanksgiving together and that you did the right thing and went out and bought a REAL tree – looks great :-).

    We’ve really enjoyed collecting Christmas tree ornaments over the years and make a note of who they are from and what year we received/bought them – believe us, a time will come when you won’t remember 🙂

    Enjoy your first Advent as a married couple and all the expectation and excitement that it brings.

    Have either of you heard of the Jesse Tree – if not google it – its a great way to keep the focus on Christ during the season.

    With our love

    Robin & Karen