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Thoughts & Inspiration

Well, Heather and I are entering into the home stretch of our time here in Gainesville. This week and this past week we’ve done a lot of packing in preparation for our move to Waco, TX. Additionally, we have been busy trying to spend time with friends and see the Atlanta sites that we’ve put off until now. Saturday night we went to Stone Mountain with our good friends Tag, Holly, and their baby Jack to see Stone Mountain and the laser show.
Last night Heather and I went to the Braves game and took one of our students Aaron. I have invested a lot into Aaron and he is one of the best young drummers I have played with.
Me and Aaron outside of Turner Field.
This was Heather’s first Braves game. She’s now been to 3 stadiums since we’ve been married. I’ve been to 7 stadiums (Astros, Braves, Cubs, D-Backs, Rangers, Rockies, and Royals) all together.
Our 2 month teams return from the field in a week. The stories from the field continue to be amazing as God is doing phenomenal things in and through our teams. Please pray that the teams will finish strong and for their travel back to the States.
Chad and Heather

2 responses to “The Home Stretch”

  1. Chad – I remember our first trip to a Braves game – you were just a kid and fell asleep during the game! Man I’m getting old!

    Counting the days!
