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Wow, what an amazing past 8 days it has been with leader training and then training camp!! All of our teams went through an intense 5 day training camp and yesterday we sent them out to join in God’s Kingdom work. It all began bright an early at 4am as the 1 month Nicaragua team and the 2 month Peru Amazon Jungle team headed out for the airport. Next was the 1 and 2 month Kenya teams, the 2 month India team, the 2 Month Nicaragua/Guatemala team, and the 2 month Philippines team. The final airport run was for our 1 and 2 month Swaziland teams.
God seriously showed up in some mighty and powerful ways over the course of the past 8 days. This was the largest training camp ever for the Real Life College program and Heather and I had an absolutely amazing team of people who played such a huge role in helping us pull that thing off. 
Thus far I have heard that the Nicaragua team and the Expedition (Nicaragua/Guatemala) have a arrived safely. In the next few hours the rest of the teams should be arriving. Please continue to pray for God’s provision and blessing over these teams as they arrive, rest, and begin to catch a vision for what God is doing in their communities.
Heather and I are sort of resting and recuperating today. We hope to get pictures up from training camp and share some stories of God’s goodness and faithfulness through the past 8 days of training. We’ll also be posting updates on what God is doing around the world through the teams that have gone out.
Chad, Heather, and Maeby

2 responses to “Trained, Sent, and Now Catching our Breath”

  1. Wow guys! Job well done. Rest up and give us a call after your much needed R&R. Love and miss you!

  2. You guys are awesome. God just uses you guys to show how much you love missions that I know overflows to the people you train. Rest up and look forward to what God continues to do around the world.