
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


We’d like to invite you into an
opportunity to partner with what’s going on here at AIM January
22nd through January 26th.  We’ll be running a training camp for two
groups of Real Life participants in order to prepare them to spend 3 months on
the field.  We have one group going to Kenya,
and one group going to Swaziland. 
In preparation for their ministry we do some very specific training that is
designed to accomplish several things.  We talk to them about their
identity in Christ, we ask them to come to grips with their own brokenness, we
speak to them about recognizing God’s voice and responding to His leading in
ministry, and we prepare them to be effective as a team.

There are always some participants
who God deals with very intensely.  Because spiritual issues are being
worked through we would like to have as much prayer covering as we can. 
We would love it if you would agree to pray along with us during that week. 
We need prayer for the participants and prayer for ourselves as we lead and
minister.  We know that God has an agenda with each of these kids and we
want to lift them to Him and ask that He accomplish His desire in each of them.


for all you do as a supporter of what God is doing at Adventures In
Missions.  We pray that God ministers to you as you pray with us.

Chad, Heather and Maeby


4 responses to “Training Camp”

  1. I will be praying for this group of people that God will work in their lives. Also, I will pray for you guys as you lead them along the challenges of training.

  2. My son is participating in the Kenya trip and I will most definitely pray and believe God for great things in this group of young people.

  3. I commit to praying during these days for you guys and the AIM teams. Thanks for the opportunity to help!