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Well, it is officially that season at AIM. Over the next month or so there will be 4 different training camps and several leader trainings that will be going on. World Race kicked things off on Friday with their largest training camp ever with around 90 participants. On Tuesday our leaders arrive for our nine different one and two month college trips. On Friday around 120 college age students will be arriving for Real Life training camp that Heather and I are over-seeing. This is the largest training camp for the Real Life program as well. In additional to the 120 participants there are 18 leaders for these teams and 30+ AIM staff and friends who will be helping out. We have an AWESOME team of people working with us on this training camp and we are so grateful for all of their help, knowledge, and wisdom.
So, needless to say, these are extremely exciting times yet extremely busy times. There are so many details that go into a training camp this size from how to get 120 people and luggage from the Atlanta airport up to Gainesville, where everyone will sleep, how to efficiently feed and clean up after 170 or so people 3 times a day, and most importantly the emotional and spiritual preparation for the participants and leaders. There are countless other details and we ask for your prayers for all of our training camps but specifically the Real Life training camp that begins on Tuesday with our leaders and Friday with the participants. Please pray for safety of travel, all the details, health and safety at training camp and in the field, against the attacks of the evil one, and that God will truly do what he needs to do at this training camp to prepare our students and leaders for an amazing God experience.
Heather and I also ask for your prayers for our health, strength, rest, and for our marriage as we’ll be going from about 6am to 11pm or later for about the next week and a half. You can also pray for little Maeby during this busy time as well.
I hope to give you an update at some point during training camp but I’m sure you’ll understand if I don’t post again until after everything wraps up for us on June 3rd.
May love be the reflex,
Chad, Heather, and Maeby

One response to “Training Camp Season”

  1. Chad,

    You guys can count on our prayers!


    Ephes. 3:20-21
    Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, [21] to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.