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Well, Heather and I are transitioning to our new season of life here in Waco, TX. We got all moved in this past Friday and on Monday we hit the ground running with training, meeting a seemingly endless number of new people, and putting the final touches on our new apartment. Yesterday Heather began training in Spiritual Life at Baylor as a ministry associate. My training as a resident chaplain is keeping me very busy but is going very well.
Speaking of transitions, we’ll soon be transitioning to a new blog. Our new blog is: If you would like to continue to follow our life and ministry, we encourage you to bookmark that link.
Our new mailing address here at Baylor is:
Chad and Heather Mustain
One Bear Place #85464
Waco, TX 76798
Our cell phone numbers will remain the same, as will our email addresses.
We’d love to hear from you so please feel free to email us, call us, leave us a comment on this blog, or go ahead and leave us a comment on our new blog
Chad and Heather

3 responses to “Transitioning to Life in Waco”

  1. Glad you arrived safetly and seem to have moved right into your new life. Looking forward to hearing how things go as you begin your next chapter of life.
    love you guys.

  2. LOVE the address…One Bear Place. that’s too funny. Hope you enjoy Waco and this new season of life. You guys are really special to us, so please stay in touch via the new blog or…in person is nice too!!

  3. Glad you two made it safe. Will miss you both here in Gainesville but know you are where you need to be. Enjoy the hot Texas weather and remember to stay hydrated with lots of Dr. Pepper. Sic’um bears!