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This past week Heather and I had the opportunity to go to Chicago for a short vacation. We got a great deal on a hotel right downtown on Michigan Ave and had a great time checking out the sights of Chicago. I was so thrilled that we were able to go to a Cubs game (I bought the tickets in February!!).
 “Cloud Gate” commonly known as “The Bean” in Chicago near Millennium Park.
Outside of Wrigley Field before the big game.
And here I am during batting practice. It was seriously so cool being there.
The primary purpose of our time in Chicago was for Drew and Christine’s wedding. I spent two years in England with Drew and Christine with AIM.
I was honored to serve as one of Drew’s groomsman and to play the song “Be Thou My Vision” during the lighting of the unity candle.
 It was also awesome to see Ian Fellows and Henry Martin who I served with in England. Ian was Drew’s best man and Henry helped perform the wedding ceremony. I also spent two years in England with Andrea who was Christine’s maid of honor.
It was also neat to see our 2007-2008 FYM team who all came in for the wedding. Ian and Heather are pictured as well.
It really was a great trip up to Chicago and so neat to see so many friends. Now that we are back, Heather and I continue to be busy keeping up with our 9 teams who are in the field. Things are going really well overall. There are some awesome stories of people coming to the Lord, the sick being healed, and the blind who now see. God is truly doing great things!!
This weekend I’ll actually be in the Dallas area. I’ll be leading worship at Valley Ranch and spending a few days with my parents. Heather will be staying here in Gainesville as she had a girls weekend planned before I was given the opportunity to lead at VRBC.
It’s crazy to think that Heather and I have just under two months left in our time in Gainesville. We are striving to finish strong in our time with AIM and remain very busy. We are leading a one week to trip to New Orleans July 4-10 with the youth group we have been working with. We’ve also been busy helping the new student pastor get started and comfortable at our church. Debrief for our 1 month teams is also quickly approaching at the end of June as well.
Please keep us in your prayers as we desire to finish well here in Gainesville. In the midst of all that is going on, we are looking forward to the transition to life and grad school at Baylor University and Truett Seminary in Waco, TX. 
Chad, Heather, and Maeby

3 responses to “Trip to Chicago”

  1. Chad and Heather, it is wonderful to see the (gang together again)I pray that you both enjoy the last few days with aim. I know that you will go on to bigger things.
    Now please send Henry and Ian back to us.
    love you both

  2. Great that your trip worked out so well and excellent that you got to meet up with old friends too – wonderful:-). Have a great weekend with your folks – say hi and send out love to them for us. We’re in England July 1st – 17th can’t wait!

    Prayers for your last few weeks with AIM and all the teams on the mission field.

    Blessings Robin & Karen

  3. Cubs hats, eh? I just knew you’d have your old tried and true Twins hat on when I saw they were playing. You look very happy!!