
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello All-
I’m sorry it’s been almost 2 weeks since we have updated our blog. Life just has a way of getting away from you at times. As we have mentioned before, Adventures in Missions has been doing a lot of reorganization within the NextStep program that Heather and I work with. In addition to the job responsibilities being reorganized, AIM has nearly completed their building remodel and our department will soon be moving upstairs. With job responsibilities now clarified and roles defined, we are all excited to move into our new offices and work space.
Heather and I are excited about our new roles, one being that of Europe Region Coordinators.  We will be researching, planning, coordinating, and in some instances leading Adventures in Missions one and two month trips to Europe. There are currently trips that will definitely be going to Ireland in the summer and fall of 2009. Heather and I are in the process of finalizing trips to both England and Romania in the spring and summer that we will more than likely be leading together. In addition, I will be the Curriculum Coordinator for the NextStep program and Heather will be the Trip Setup Coordinator. We are looking forward to how this unfolds and develops over the coming weeks and months.
As kind of a side project or responsibility, Heather and I are supporting and praying for the AIM staff in Kenya. Connie Donlon, who is on staff with AIM in Kenya, put together two great videos that highlights some of the ministry that AIM is a part of and what we are trying to build into people . . . . hope. Please enjoy these videos as you get a small picture of one of the many places that your support and prayers are making a difference. If after watching these videos you are interested in financially supporting the AIM House in Kenya, please contact us and we will get you the information that you need.
On the Journey,
Chad and Heather