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While it will be several weeks before we get the pictures back from our photographers, here are a few pictures that some of our friends took.
This was our unity event, releasing the balloons that represent our pasts.
Our families praying over us.
Kissing my bride.
The wedding party.
The happy couple with Heather’s good friend Steph.
For more wedding photos that one of Heather’s friends took, click the link below:
Thank you for all of the love, prayers, gifts, comments, and support. In the morning we leave for our honeymoon in Mexico and will be back on August 13th.
Living and Loving, Life and God!!
Chad and Heather Mustain

4 responses to “Wedding Pictures”

  1. Absolutely beautiful Chad! I will forward it on to Kevin, I wish we were all living closer, but we will still be praying for you guys as you get ready and everything to serve the Lord together. I’m glad you’re enjoying married life 😉

  2. Chad and Heather,

    I wish we could have been there to celebrate with you guys! We are praying God’s best for you.

    In Christ,


  3. We are so happy for you guys! Harriet said it was amazing. We hated missing it. We are praying that it continues to be amazing as you journey together!

    Love from ours to yours!

  4. You guys look beautiful. congratulations to you both. you are in our prayers. may
    God bless your life together.