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It’s official, we are now Mr. and Mrs. Chad Mustain!! We could not have asked for a more beautiful day yesterday. Thank you to all of our friends and family both near and far who supported us and helped make this day possible. We are taking a few days to just chill and lay low before we head off on Wednesday for our honeymoon in the Mayan Riviera of Mexico. After returning from our honeymoon we’ll have about 10 days to get ready for our move to Gainesville, GA. Again, thank you so much for your prayers and support. Once life settles down a bit we’ll get some pictures of the wedding up and begin blogging more regularly.
Living and Loving, Life and God!!
Chad and Heather

17 responses to “We’re Married!!”

  1. Congrats B’s would like to hear about the Mayan Riviera. I will be down there in October. Got a day long field trip on the Mayan Ruins. You all are going to have a great time! Be safe!


  2. Yea! Congratulations!Can I get your address in Gainseville? That’s where I will send your present. We will be silly to not see one another in the next year. You only live 4 hours away! Did you know that Melanie Morris lives in Marietta? She comes up here often.

  3. Chad and Heather,

    Debbie, Clark, Steven and I spent some time praying for you yesterday, and talking about the wedding. We wanted to be there.

    Please know of our continued prayers for you as you serve the Lord together.

    We look forward to meeting Heather the next time y’all make it to Texas.

    Jim Burgin

  4. Congratulations guys!! I hope it was everything you dreamed of. I’ll continue praying for your marriage and your ministry, as you continue to bless others. Have an awesome time on your honeymoon!!!

    God Bless!!!

  5. Congratulations!!!! That is amazing. Just like the work that God has and will continue to do in your lives. We love you!!! Have fun in Mexico.

  6. Congratulations! Hope these next couple weeks are bliss. We pray that you might worship, love and serve God even better together!

  7. Congratulations! Enjoy your time together in Mexico. What a blessing. Let’s connect once you get resettled.

  8. I pray that your time in Mexico is relaxing and refreshing and that you will know the joy of connecting to new church community in Gainesville. Blessings on you both.


  9. Congratulations you two. It was a beautiful wedding and we had a great time. The weather was perfect and I even danced. Have a great time in Mexico and we’ll look forward to seeing you upon your return. Call me if you need help moving. Love you both.

  10. Hi guys~
    So fun to celebrate with you this weekend! What a beautiful day Saturday was! Hope that you truely get the rest and connection that you need, and look forwrad to seeing you before the move. Please let us know if you need anything.

  11. What a beautiful service, beautiful reception…and beautiful bride! Praying for a time of rest in MX.

    You are loved.

  12. It was a beautiful day and a great evening. You are blessed with joining two great families. YOu will always have lots of support prayers and love.

    We enjoyed our time and really enjoyed the ceremony. Hearing vows again a what comments are made by Jeff and your dad help to reflect on your own marriage and how you can help make it stronger.

    Have a great honeymoon and relax while you can.

    love you guys bunches

  13. OK, i’m late to the party here, but let me add my congratulations. you guys make a sweet couple.

  14. What up Chad. I have never me you but I am on staff with AIM as well and just got married to a beautiful woman by the name of Erin. We just moved to Colorado Springs. So one Chad leaves another one comes in. Blessings to you and your wife heather. If you guys are in town for a while and would love to hook up, Erin and I went on the world race a couple of times and your moving into that community right now. Anyways we are here for you if you need us. Blessings to you.