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Prayer Needs

This past weekend Heather and I helped coordinate and pull of a "Gym Sale" at our church as a fundraiser for the youth group mission trip to New Orleans that Heather and I are leading. On Friday we … Read more about Prayer Needs

A Moment to Pause

Whew!! We have been busy these past two weeks. Heather and I hit the ground running when we returned home from England jumping right back into work with AIM, our work with the student ministry at … Read more about A Moment to Pause

Back in Georgia

I'd like to start by apologizing if you received numerous update emails from me on April 12th. I was getting an error message saying that the blog had not posted only to find out that I had posted the … Read more about Back in Georgia

England Update

Hey there, I just wanted to give a quick England update and share with you a few photos. Heather and I arrived with no problems and right on time Wednesday morning. It has been a whirl wind catching … Read more about England Update

Weekend in Review

 This past weekend was our new leader training at Adventures in Missions for our summer high school and college age trips. I must say that we are blessed with an awesome group of leaders who are … Read more about Weekend in Review

Crazy Busy

Wow, life is just absolutely crazy busy right now! World Race training camp is in fully swing, the application deadline is tomorrow, plane tickets are being purchased, interviews are being done for … Read more about Crazy Busy